Thursday, January 20, 2005

America won't last forever

A thread from the We Move to Canada blog. It's something to consider. No nation is eternal, and all major powers either fade or are destroyed. For the Americans reading, your goal should be to delay it as much as possible, and for the rest of us its to be ready for the inevitable crash.

As a note, the length of world powers grows shorter each time. Rome was 2000 years, England was only 300. The Soviets only lasted 73 years.

At 1/20/2005 10:01:47 AM, RobfromAlberta said...

I think one big difference between Canadians and Americans is that we lack sentimentality about ourselves and our country. That is reflected in our constitution. It is essentially a legal document. It would be nice to have stirring language and a vision for the ages, but quite frankly, if we did that, most Canadians would find it silly and pretentious. We just don't take ourselves very seriously. We are a minor nation borne of compromise and surely destined to fail at some future date, so we just try to muddle through and make the best of the hand we were dealt.

At 1/20/2005 10:40:01 AM, Kyle_From_Ottawa said...

That is the best part I guess. America's perception of itself as the "chosen nation" is a bad one. Rob said Canada's destined to fail, which is true. But minor nations simply appear/dissapear without shaking the world. Major nations generally also always fail, but when they do they generally crash in a spectacular fireball. Think of Rome, Russia, France, or to a lesser extent the UK (The UK itself survived, but it's legacy includes such wonders as the whole Israel/Palestine thing).

At 1/20/2005 10:58:03 AM, L-girl said...

Yes, when an empire crashes it takes so much with it. Most Americans would be shocked to hear anyone say that the US will capsize like all the empires that have gone before it.

You might want to post your comment above - see my most recent post. Or not. I think it's worth it.


At 8:21 p.m., Blogger Doctor Marco said...

I love history and thats why I liked the post. Many things are inevitable and the trick is to be prepared for the moment they happen.

I like your blog, I will add a link in my blog


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